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The team of dentists at Ottawa West Dental offers dentistry options including fillings for cavities.

What is a filling?

A filling is used because there is decay, also known as a cavity, or cavities in a tooth. Because the decay creates space in the tooth, the area needs to be filled to protect the tooth.

Why might I need a filling?

You might need a filling because you have a cavity, or cavities. Also, you may need a filling if you have a damaged tooth that needs to be fixed, or because one of your old fillings needs to be replaced.

What types of fillings do you offer?

Ottawa West Dental provides a number of filling options. Restorative services repairs or replaces your natural teeth in order to fix your teeth to return your mouth to full functional and aesthetic harmony.

Visit us if you have a cavity, need a fixed tooth, or want more information about fillings and services.

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